Maroon Circles 5-Photo Graduation Tri-Fold Invitation

*Price per invitation. Discounts of up to 40% begin on orders with a quantity of 25 or more prints.

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senior photo photography picture, graduation commencement announcement, school colors pride name, high school college university senior, 2022 2023 2024 2025, modern elegant classy minimal bold, class academic student graduate, grad celebration party invite, circles dots round

Designer’s Note

Announce your new graduate in bold style with this modern card featuring three circles on the front to make your details stand out. Spaces for five photos give you plenty of opportunity to use your favorite senior pictures. Includes space for future plans, ceremony information, honors and parents’ names. Design available in a variety of school colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, maroon, burnt orange, black and gold. You can customize the colors and pick whatever works best for you in the design tool.

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