2023 Graduation Photo Diploma Degree Certificate Invitation

*Price per invitation. Discounts of up to 40% begin on orders with a quantity of 25 or more prints.

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graduate photo, college diploma, high school class degree, unique graduation party ideas, diploma certificate, blue grad template, school degree, high school senior, academic diploma template, 2023 grad

Designer’s Note

These fun novelty graduation invites have a diploma | degree custom certificate look. In shades of blue, the diploma design is made to look like it’s nestled in a holder | frame. It has a white spotted border and a light blue grid, along with a fake gold sticker that says, "Academic ; A small round photo of the graduate is added to the front (upload a square photo and it will fit the frame). All personalized text areas can be easily changed using the templates, including the text on the back. This is a fun, unique invite for any new high school or college graduate. If you need to adjust text or make other advanced changes, click "Customize ; All text fields can be edited and elements rearranged.

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