Set of 24 Graduation Celebration Photo Invitations

*Price per invitation. Discounts of up to 40% begin on orders with a quantity of 25 or more prints.

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photo invitations, graduation invitations, photo invitations, celebration, graduation cards, graduation announcements, grad invites, return address, envelopes included, college uni

Designer’s Note

The event is the graduation celebration. The ticket is provided by this wonderfully creative card, which mimics an event ticket with the graduate as the star. The front of the card announces the graduate, class year, and school name with exuberant style. The back offers nine lines of text for all the necessary information. Choose from a wide variety of colors and styles for all the text. The design is customizable in the graduate’s choice of two colors. The graduate’s photograph occupies the right side of the card, and the design and text are on the left. Send this delightful ticket to friends and family with an added envelope liner. It’s an event nobody wants to miss!

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